
Where Do I Enroll?
All KU students enroll on their own in the Enroll & Pay system on or after their enrollment date and time. You will receive an email with this information. Once you have met with your advisor, have all the courses you would like to enroll in, and have had any enrollment holds removed, you are ready to choose your class times and enroll. Your advisor will help you choose what classes you should enroll in for future semesters to remain on progress for your degree, but students are expected to create their own weekly schedule and enroll on their own. You can use KU's Schedule of Classes tool to look up classes you want to enroll in and see the days and times they are offered by looking up individual courses.
Enrollment Timeline
The Schedule of Classes tool for the upcoming semester is typically released at the end of February (for the summer and fall) and at the end of September (for the spring). View KU class options.
Next, you are given your enrollment time. This comes via email from the Office of the Registrar every semester. Your enrollment time is based upon the number of hours you have completed. Your enrollment time refers to the moment Enroll & Pay grants you access to officially secure your seats in the upcoming semester.
Finally, you will be contacted by your advisor to schedule your enrollment appointment. This is what we advisors call your “meetings” with us to choose your courses! We always encourage you to come see us before your enrollment time opens.
Helpful Enrollment Tools
Jayhawk GPS
Schedule an appointment, see deadlines, view your class schedule, etc.
Enroll & Pay
Enroll, access academic records, check degree progress, etc.