Jayhawk Academic Advising Information

Jayhawk Academic Advising is dedicated to serving and assisting you with all your advising questions. Staff members regularly monitor their KU email, JAA voicemail, and JAA email during our normal operating hours and are excited to assist you!
We always encourage you to schedule an appointment with your advisor at any time! We can help connect you with any resource that you may need and help you navigate your college career!
Appointment Types
Semester Planning:
- 4-year plans
- Exploring majors
- Planning ahead for study abroad
- ROTC 104-R
- Scheduling building for upcoming semester
- Navigating academic holds
- Enrollment questions
- Checking degree progress
- Professional school applications
- Admissions to majors
- Mapping out deadlines
- Interest in being readmitted
Drop-in Topics:
- Anything!
Frequently Asked Questions
Log in to your Jayhawk GPS portal using your online ID and password.
From your home view, you will be able to see your advisor’s name under "Your Success Team" or within the Advisors bar.
From the "Your Success Team" area, you can click on the mail icon to email your advisor directly!
This is also where you can check your upcoming appointments. They will be listed on the right-hand side of your "Calendar" page.
You are welcome to request a Drop-In appointment, or you may schedule with your advisor.
Currently, JAA is holding all advising appointments via Zoom and/or in-person. All appointments are held in the Central Time Zone (CST), so please pay attention to your time zone when scheduling via Zoom.
Notice: Please save your appointment confirmation and reminder emails, as they contain the Zoom link and/or additional information for your appointment.
Schedule with your advisor:
Log into Jayhawk GPS.
Click “Schedule Appointment” on the right side of your Student Home Page under the Jayhawk GPS logo.
When prompted, choose "Academic Advising" as your appointment type.
Choose the topic that you would like to discuss with your advisor, then click "Next."
You will then be prompted to choose the location of the appointment.
Next, click on the text box that appears to choose your advisor. Then, click “Next.”
Once you are redirected, select your preferred time and click "Next."
You will be taken to an overview page of your appointment that lists the time, location, advisor and details. Feel free to add extra notes about what you would like to discuss in the "Comments" box.
Finally, to schedule the appointment you MUST click the blue "Confirm Appointment" button in the bottom right corner of the overview page.
Notice: Without clicking this to confirm, your appointment will not be scheduled! Once you click to confirm the appointment, you should receive an official email confirmation via your KU email.
You may double check to see if your appointment has been saved by looking at your calendar under the specific date and time that you selected.
Log into Jayhawk GPS.
You will be redirected to the GPS home page that includes your class schedule; there will be three grey tabs at the top each labeled “Class Information,” “Reports,” and “Calendar.”
Click the “Reports” tab; you will be redirected to a new page that lists “Appointment Summaries” at the top and “Notes” at the bottom.
There will be a table under “Appointment Summaries” that shows appointments scheduled and attended.
On the left-hand side of the table under “Details” for each appointment, there will be a blue “View Report” link.
Click the "View Report" link and you will be shown any notes the advisor has left for that specific appointment.
Notice: Be sure to always check these following an appointment; your advisor often lists links, resources, and any courses that you may have discussed in your appointment.
Login to Jayhawk GPS.
In the blue, left-side navigation you will see a mail icon; this is where you will find important messages sent by your "KU Success Team."
Notice: Messages often will be sent here and to your KU email inbox. For example, if your advisor sends you an email that contains a link to schedule an appointment, you can also find this message here. Various units across campus will send you messages here regarding orientation, enrollment, academic standing terms, and program admission/denial decisions.
Now that you have scheduled an appointment, here are a few things you and your advisor can do to make the most of your appointment and advising experience.
Before Your Appointment:
- Write down some of your questions ahead of time, and set some goals for what you hope to accomplish in the appointment.
- Run a Degree Progress Report. This highlights what you have completed and what's still needed to earn your major. GPA is also listed. Both are located in your myKU portal.
- Exploring majors? Be sure to visit the Exploratory Pathways resource, and take the HawkQuest exploratory quiz offered through the University Career Center. Bring your results to your appointment!
- Login to Enroll & Pay to see if you have any academic holds.
- If your appointment is about enrollment, go ahead and explore various KU classes! It's great to take ownership of your academics.
- If your appointment is about probation or completing a SAP appeal, come with all your documents.
- Check your email! You never know if your advisor will have sent you something to check out before your appointment. You should be checking your KU email several times a day.
- Set an appointment reminder for yourself. We like to use the entire time you've scheduled to meet! If you miss your appointment, depending on the time of year, you might not be able to reschedule quickly.
- Think about how your current semester is going. How are your grades? Do you enjoy your classes so far? Why? These are likely some things we will discuss!
During Your Appointment:
- Take notes!
- Ask Questions!
- Be honest. We are here to help you navigate KU, your academics, and any challenges and triumphs while you are here. We can only help and celebrate based on information you provide.
- Set up a follow-up appointment before you leave. Advisors like to see you more than once a semester. Check-ins are great!
- Make sure you have your advisor’s contact information before you leave.
After Your Appointment:
- Read the note your advisor left in Jayhawk GPS. After every appointment your advisor leaves detailed notes about resources, classes, and anything you may have discussed!
- Follow-up on all suggested resources.
- Check your email. Because you should always be doing that, right? We often like to send follow-up information straight to your KU email. It's one of the most important ways we communicate with you.
Pro-Tip: Make an "Advising/From my Advisor" folder in your email! That is a good way to stay organized.
Your degree progress report (DPR) is located in your myKU portal. You can keep track of your degree progression or explore possible majors and their requirements. GPA calculations can also be found via this resource. You are encouraged to view this resource before meeting with your advisor.
We can solve that for you! Give us a call: 785-864-2834.
Absolutely! Give us a call, and we can set that up for you: 785-864-2834.